Friday, May 29, 2009

Feeling Green?

Well, today begins CSM's new Code Green project. The idea is that we can save money and be environmentally responsible by closing services during a non-peak time on Friday afternoons. Sounds like a really great idea, but probably we are just scratching the surface of becoming more environmentally-friendly as a college.

So...send in some ideas (click the "comments" link below). Maybe we can do some things to expand on the start we've gotten with the Code Green project!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Effort versus Achievement

The great John Wooden once said, "Never mistake activity for achievement." I have definitely taken this advice to heart in coaching sports. So, when I read an interesting article ( today, I noted similar advice on teaching, "Teachers also should help their students understand that effort and quality are not synonymous and that it is achievement, not the effort that led to it, that is rewarded." So, for example, class participation based on quantity is not a collegial means of grading students. Instead, students who participate in a meaningful way should see the results when they complete tests or papers or other assignments that are grades based on achievement of learning objectives.

What do you think? Click "__ Comments" below to leave your thoughts on the topic.